We offer a full consulting engineering, design, and advisory service across the structural and civil engineering spectrum, and also project management. Whilst our core business is building structures, a significant part of our workload is carried out in more specialist areas, requiring very high levels of expertise. We organise our work into four areas or disciplines;
Buildings; Structural and civil engineering design of buildings and their surroundings, using all structural materials and forms. Everything from long span roofs, through tall multi-storey structures, basements, to elegant timber frames. Also the civil engineering design of below ground drainage, road works, and landscapes.
Conservation and Projects; The conservation of historic buildings and structures from all periods, structural and fabric surveys, conservation assessments and management plans, listed building consents, and contract administration for a wide range of projects.
Special Structures; Glass structures, facade engineering, staircase structures, structures for products, structures within sculptures, parametric design work, and lightweight fabric or cable structures, including inflatable structures.
Expert Witness and Appraisals; Bob Barton is an experienced expert witness, and currently has a constant workload in this area. His areas of expertise are in all types of building structures and foundations, basements and underpinning, cladding and glass structures, and non-linear or lightweight structures. He has carried out complex forensic investigations into structural defects within modular construction and system buildings.
We are at the forefront of Building Information Management (BIM) technology and innovation. Our drawings are the primary information source for the contractor; therefore they must to be as clear and precise as possible. Since 2006 we have used AutoDesk Revit for all of our drawing work because we believe that it enhances the clarity and accuracy of our drawings. Every detail we draw includes a 3D view, and for every project we create a Level 2 BIM model; for us building information modelling has been a way of life for many years.
We place great emphasis on planning our design work, and complying with project programmes for releasing information. We have a strong ethical basis for this; for us it is important that our resources are carefully managed, and that our project staff are fully supported and not pressured into long working hours. Progress is meticulously recorded, and the results fed back into future project work. We also work hard at planning in the longer term and ensuring projects have the same staff dedicated to following any project from inception to completion.